
At Carlyle Christian, we practice baptism of the repentant believer by immersion in water. We do immersion baptism because that’s the way Jesus did it, the New Testament church did it, and we are commanded to do it.

During immersion baptism, there is nothing magical in the water, and the act of baptism doesn’t save you. However, we do believe it is such an important first act of obedience that we require it for membership.

Just as baby dedications are a way for parents to show their commitment to raising their children according to God’s Word, baptism is an outward symbol of the internal commitment made by every believer. It is but a symbol of our new life in Jesus Christ.

Do we believe that other religions are going to hell because they don’t baptize by immersion? Certainly not!! We just really want to do it the way that Jesus did!

If God is leading you to be baptized, we would be happy to help you take that step!

Please consider the following options:

Baptism During a Worship Service
This is such a blessing for everyone! Baptisms are scheduled during all of the weekend worship services upon request.

Weekday/Weeknight Baptism
Occasionally we schedule baptisms during the week if this better fits your schedule.

Interested in Baptism?

If you are interested in baptism or learning more about baptism, you can contact us by filling out the form below.