Youth Ministry

Summer Calendar 2023

Grades 6th-12th

High School Camp

June 4-9
This is for incoming freshmen through graduated seniors. It is located at Bond Christian Service Camp in Mulberry Grove, IL. The cost is $200, but CCC will pay half of that, so the cost out-of-pocket is $100. You can click here to register!

Movie Night

Wednesday, June 14th
6:00-9:00 pm
It is located at Carlyle Christian Church. Movie is still TBD, but there will be snacks and fun!

Jr. High Camp

June 18-23
This is for incoming 6th-8th graders. It is located at Bond Christian Service Camp in Mulberry Grove, IL. The cost is $200, but CCC will pay half of that, so the cost out of pocket is $100. You can click here to register!

Holiday World

Wednesday, June 28
Meet at CCC @ 8:00 am
Return to CCC @ approx. 10:00 pm
Holiday World is a theme/water park in Santa Claus, IN. The cost is $50/person + money for one meal. RSVP to Pastor Josh by Monday, June 26.

Game Night

Wednesday, July 12
6:30-9:00 pm
This will be located at Maple Hill Park in Carlyle (shelter by the grade school baseball diamonds). Snacks will be served, as well as fellowship and fun!

CIY Move Conference

July 23-27
This is for incoming freshmen through graduated seniors. The cost is $360/person, but CCC will pay $160 of that, so that makes your out-of-pocket price $200/person. If you plan on attending, please let Pastor Josh know  no later than Wednesday, June 7.

Scavenger Hunt

Wednesday, August 2
6:00-8:00 pm
This will be located at CCC and around town!

Beach Day

Sunday, August 13
5:00-8:00 pm
We will be at the main beach along Lake Road by the dam. Dinner will be served, as well as a volleyball or two!